Roon Hài Larb 2533
Roon Hài Larb 2533
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Roon Hài Larb 2533

$49.00 SGD
$49.00 SGD

Luang Phor Koon Parisudtho

Roon Hài Larb meaning to GIVES WEALTH. Made in 2533, a good 34yrs ago from Wat Boon, Korat

Made with a special ingredient known as Mai Koon Bpat Telod, an auspicious wood that happens to have a natural occuring cave in where it holds water. Luang Phor only has a few batches known to have added this rare and highly auspicious wood shavings. 

It features Luang Phor signature pose of sitting or squatting with knees near to His chest while holding a string of chanting beads or Soi Prakam.