Mae Phim Boon Leaur Maha Setthi
Mae Phim Boon Leaur Maha Setthi
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Mae Phim Boon Leaur Maha Setthi

$1,999.00 SGD
$1,999.00 SGD

Luang Pu Up Khemàjaro 

I kinda made up the batch name myself meaning Mae Nang Phim On Boat Bringing Wealth ❗ Why ? Cause Luang Pu Himself mentioned worshipping this "Ah, bucha leaw Senyi Hor❗" meaning it shall brings great business. 

Not just the ship is consecrated, but the Mae Phim is official temple batch. This batch contains Prai and believe to be quite "strong" 

I believe only about 30 plus pieces made.

This piece also had Luang Pu's handwritten yant "Uù Gà Pà Sà Hà Nà Pùd" on the boat. Handwritten yant in today's era is very very rare